Student Council

Student council is a group of students elected by their fellow peers to share students’ ideas and concerns and organize school events and activities. These students are chosen by their peers for their leadership and communication skills as well as their creativity. This year, our student council consists of two faculty advisors and a group of high achieving and responsible students from grades 7 through 12. Roles include president, vice president, treasurer, secretary, communications directors, photographer, athletic representative, and class representatives.

Revived in 2021, Heritage’s student council has worked hard to create many events.

They have executed meaningful events surrounding holidays, such as a student-led Halloween bazaar for the whole school, Christmas games and a winter formal dance, as well as Valentine’s Day candy grams. On the athletic side, they have provided recess equipment and organized and hosted 7-12 sports tournaments for volleyball, football, and handball. They have also helped lead whole-school charity events including Movember, raising money for cancer research throughout the month of November, as well as a special Iftar event for students and the Ramadan Food Drive alongside the Charity Committee. In addition, they have organized other events to bring together the school community, such as Earth Day and International Women’s Day awareness campaigns, movie nights, and helping teachers emcee and judge essential celebrations of learning like spelling bees and public speaking competitions.