In our Middle and High school, you can expect an Education that:

  • Fosters a diverse, multifaceted worldview
  • Motivates modern solutions to emerging and 21st century problems
  • Develops the values of global citizenship, equality, human rights and diversity
  • Provides standards and outcomes-based assessments which are rigorous enough to cause the standard university entry exam (such as an SAT) to be waived for our graduates
  • Employs qualified and experienced educators  working to the Canadian standards of instruction and assessment
  • Sustains an ethos of community, inclusion and achievement
  • Continues the elementary trajectory of focusing on achievement in literacy and numeracy

High School Assessing and Reporting

  • Mid-term exams in year long courses (Ex. English Language Arts). 
  • Final exams in semester long courses.
  • 2 semesters.
  • Each semester has the following:
    A – An Interim report, to give parents a sense of how students are starting off (a few weeks into each semester)
    B – A Mid Term report, with assessment data, attendance information, and comments on progress as well as learning behaviors.
    C – A Final Report, with the same structure as the Mid Term report but which includes final course information and details.
  • Students will also complete the same Arabic ministry exams at the same ages as any other school in Egypt.
  • Mid Term or Final exams are held in the last weeks of January and Final exams on the second or third week of June.
  • Student progress is updated and reported to parents regularly through the Engage platform.

High School Academic Program

  • Students begin their high school journey in Grade 9.
  • Students in Grade 7 will take a wide selection of courses, including their core courses (English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies) as well as French, Music, Art, Physical Education and all of their Arabic studies.
  • In Grade 9, students will be able to take elective courses in Business, ICT, Art, and Drama.
  • In Grade 10, students will be able to select from Essentials or Pre-calculus math, while retaining the ability to continue to explore other elective subjects.
  • In Grade 11, students will be able to choose from Biology, Physics or Chemistry as well as their other elective options.